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Stuff I Want To Manifest : To Let Jesus Take The Wheel


Let go and let God! Sometimes we need the reminder that we have to give up our need for control and let our higher power take over. Things don't tend to go well when we're running the show... use this charm as a daily reminder to give your will over to God!


Make this the year of your dreams by choosing everything you want to manifest and make them come true! Let's DO THIS! Surround yourself with signs that keep you on track!

Manifestation Charm- Let Jesus Take The Wheel

SKU: MSC-8255
PriceFrom $5.00
    • Each 3 x 3 package comes with a manifestation card and instructions on how to manifest, plus a super attractor Magical Power Object to carry with you or pin to your vision board to make it come true.
    • Slip it into greeting cards, gifts, pockets or purses, or attatch it to your vision board, mirror or altar.
    • (Charm includes option to add onto a necklace/bracelet chain)
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